Friday, November 17, 2006

Oh my Me! Are you Religious?

Christian views of Jesus (see Christology) center on the belief in Jesus as the Messiah or Christ promised in the Old Testament and in his resurrection after his crucifixion. Christians typically believe in Jesus as the Son of God sent to provide salvation and reconciliation with God by atoning for the sins of humanity. Trinitarian Christians (the majority) believe that Jesus is God incarnate, while Nontrinitarian Christians profess various other interpretations regarding his divinity. Other common Christian beliefs include his Virgin Birth, miracles, fulfillment of biblical prophecy, ascension into Heaven, and future Second Coming.

There has been a long tradition of featuring Jesus in paintings and sculpture over the last 2,000 years, ranging from ancient icons to medieval altarpieces to modern acrylics. Entire websites are devoted to such artwork. Icons of Jesus are prevalent in modern Mexico.[1] Jesus is likewise commonly featured in contemporary Mexican religious folk art.[2] A related tradition has been sustained in New Mexico in the United States. Examples include Luis Tapia's "Santa Verónica" (with the face of Christ on Veronica's famous cloth), made in 1980.[3] Eastern Orthodox Christianity has long featured many icons of Jesus.[4]A common theme in many of these icons has been the portrayal of Jesus as a child.[5] In modern times, the Holy Infant of Prague has become extremely popular among Catholics.[6]Many contemporary artists continue to emphasize the subject.


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